Recognition for work you’ve done, volunteer or otherwise, is always appreciated and often met with a fair amount of humility because there are usually many people involved in the achievement. Last year was no exception for 3 CWMRA members, but maybe even more so.
For those that may not be aware of the long history of the CWMRA, Charles A. Cole was one of the original members and founders. Mr. Cole dedicated much of his time to the development of the layouts and building the club to what it is today. He will always be remembered for his amazing contributions and is memorialized through this annual award to recognize exceptional volunteer contributions.
2021 Golden Spike award winner, Kyle Varley is a long time CWMRA member and has contributed his time and money to the advancement of the club. Many of the updates to the club and layouts including upgraded electrical systems and aesthetics were a direct result of Kyle’s efforts. Additionally, Kyle is an expert on the layout and club, having been trained under the wing of Charles A. Cole from his childhood years. For Kyle this award is deeply meaningful and for the club it is a true appreciation for his dedication.
Jean Hoag, a newer CWMRA member has jumped in with amazing contributions and is well deserving of the 2021 Golden Spike Award. Not only was Jean instrumental in her help with many of the building upgrades through financial and labor contributions, but she was integral in the club obtaining a 501(c)3 status this year. Jean has accepted the role of CWMRA Treasurer for the new year. Jean is a retired CPA and is an outstanding addition to the Executive team with her financial background!
Finally, yours truly, Shelly Short, also a new member has contributed through website and online visibility. For my own part I am very appreciative of having also received a 2021 Golden Spike award. As the membership is well aware, my understanding of model trains is elementary at best, and I am far better at taking pictures of trains than running them! However, I am honored to lend a hand on the things that I do understand, and I look forward to continuing to find ways to develop more opportunities for growth. As a relative newcomer to the community, I’m humbled by receiving this award with such a long history attached to it.
The great thing about the CWMRA is that while the members are very dedicated to model railroading and maintaining the integrity of railroad mechanics, they also have made a place available for others that have skills that can help the club advance in the community. In volunteer organizations it takes a lot of different talents to run it well and CWMRA has welcomed the people with the skills needed.
If you would like to know more about volunteer opportunities or membership in the CWMRA please contact us. Everyone is welcome!
2 Responses
That is a great piece on the Charles Cole golden awards and to three very deserving
Individuals. Thank you. Bob Frampton
Vice President
I have many HO train cars model building’s etc and would anyone be interested in buying at a reasonable price?