Welcome to the new website for Cochise Western Model Railroad Association! No that’s not a typo. Cochise & Western Model Railroad Club has formally changed their name slightly for the 501(c)3 application they are currently working on due to some complications with the previous title. During the last club meeting the change was voted on and approved by the attendees.
Also approved was the next open house tentatively planned for mid-October. Originally the open house was going to be in early June, however due to the continuing roof repairs it was postponed until this fall.
About those repairs….it has been a little slow going but it shouldn’t take much longer! Thank you for your patience as we work around the schedule of our contractor. Please remember, we are getting a substantial discount on the repairs for ‘at cost’ to the club. Also, this project turned out to be much larger than originally anticipated due to termite damage and the age of the roof. It’s in our interest to be patient and work through it. We know it’s been an inconvenience to have the clubhouse closed during this time but we are in the home stretch! Once the repairs are done, look for information regarding a clubhouse clean-up day. It will be an all-hands effort to get our clubhouse cleaned up in the first stages of getting ready for the open house. Please plan on coming out to help with whatever you are capable of doing. We need everyone’s help!
If you haven’t noticed yet, the name of our blog is the CWMRA Roundhouse Blog. This is a throwback to the old CWMRC Roundhouse Review letter from the early ’80s that used to be mailed out to members to announce events and club updates. If you have something you would like to contribute to the CWMRA Roundhouse Blog please let us know in the comments or send us an email. We would like to post at least monthly and include general and technical model railroad posts, as well as regular CWMRA updates. If you have something already written up, feel free to send it to us. We’ll edit for grammar and readability, but otherwise we’re open to what you want to send us.
Finally, let us know what you think about our website and what you would like to see included! Happy railroading!
5 Responses
The new WEB site is great Thank you Shelly and Marrien for joining the club.
Just so everyone knows the yards at the club house have been mowed and sort of cleaned up
Thank you for all of your hard work & moral support Bob!
Just to clarify things Richard Miller pushed the mower and I supplied the mower and
moral support. Thanks Richard
We’re coming along, Appt of work inside and outside of the building, Paint company’s are doing well thanks to us. Robby, Kyle, Jeanny, Bob,. And the Shorts are stepping up to the plate on alot of issues. We’re coming into our own, it’s all getting better. Thanks to all who give so much of your time and extra funds to give us a club house to be proud of.
I like your website, wishing you were not so far from my home. For your N-scalers, I have a FREE intermodal offer for anyone who will pick these up.
Damaged in a move, a MiJack crane and a Kalmar loader need a new home. I believe that all the parts are there and that both can be repaired fairly easily. They are FREE to someone who will come to pick them up. I’m not doing intermodal anymore.
Please phone Ted 520-244-9221, located in NE Tucson near Kolb and Sunrise. Take the Kolb Road exit from I-10 and follow it north to just past Sunrise. I’ll be happy to send photos if someone is interested. I hate to throw these into the trash, as they can be repaired.