It’s official! The clubhouse is now open for members to run their trains!
Finally! It took a bit longer to get those emergency repairs completed than we thought, but it had to be done. Thank you for your patience while we worked through this project. As most construction related projects go, this one took longer and cost more than originally planned for. Fortunately, we had the funds to cover it. Unfortunately, our funds are now below the threshold that makes us comfortable when we consider our regular operating costs and potential emergencies. Sounds typical right?
In our last couple of membership meetings in Sierra Vista, we have discussed many ways to help shore up the account. For now we are going to explore fundraising opportunities and we will keep members updated on the progress.
We are still making updates to the building in an effort to get it looking great! We really appreciate all of those members that have pitched in to help paint, do light maintenance and clean things up. Also, there are a handful of members that have given of their own funds to help with clubhouse upgrades, just to keep the bank account stable. For this, we are deeply appreciative and grateful.
We will have a clean-up day around September or October. Watch for the details! We can use everyone’s help to shine up our clubhouse prior to our next Open House. We’ll get you the date for that pretty soon too!
As we progress through the rest of this year, we would appreciate any additional funds you might be able to contribute beyond your regular membership dues. Every little bit will count to help get us back up to where we would like to be in our reserve funds. You can contact us at and we’ll let you know how you can give, or you can bring it to the next membership meeting on the second Tuesday of each month.
Now, let’s all get busy and get those trains going!
5 Responses
What address can be used to mail donations? I’m old fashioned – still write checks!
Hi Jeannie – you can use the clubhouse address or drop it off on Tuesday evenings, except for the second Tuesday of the month. Thank you!
Not sure if this is the right place, but, I have an RC cola G scale train that was used as a display in the mid 90’s at a Kroger store in Columbus, Ohio. Wasn’t used since then. I would like to find someone who would like to trade the set for a good working HO engine. Not computer controlled. If anyone is interested they can email me. I live in the Whetstone area.
Hey guys,
Those who are expecting their name badges, they are waiting in the meeting room to be picked up. Yes Spencer, that includes you!
Robby Craig
Hey guys we really need to sign up for
The party! ! The prime rib has been purchased. So there is enough for all the the club members. Please let Sabine or Marrien know your plans so we have a
Good idea how many are coming to the
Party See you all there.